New Ubin Seafood

My younger brothers have the easiest birthdays to remember. The older of the two was born on 10/10, while the youngest 'un was born on 5/5. And no, their birthdays weren't planned in that they weren't scheduled caesarean births. Both natural births. Although you'd think their birth dates were set on purpose, right? Ah well, it's very unsurprising Pops then, with his leaky memory and all (that's what he claims whenever he forgets my birthday, or my sister's!), ALWAYS remembers their birthdays.

It was the littlest's birthday recently, and because he was having his exams then, we postponed his birthday celebrations to dinner last weekend. He wanted beef steak and seafood and cze char at the same time, so I immediately thought of the beef ribeye at that seafood cze char New Ubin Seafood nearby their home. 

I thought it was going to be major pain to get to New Ubin Seafood, but it turns out that it's exactly where I get my car serviced. Contrary to scathing online reviews, parking here isn't too bad because there are so many car workshops here. Which are mostly closed by dinner-time, and so makes for lots of parking.

This place is packed! Reservations are a must, and if you want the limited indoor air-conditioning rooms, you need to make your bookings at least 2 weeks in advance.

Because I'd heard horror stories about how service isn't able to cope with the dinner crowd, we made our dinner reservation right when it opens at 6pm. As we left, the dinner crowd had just gushed in. I think the major issue with service here is the lack of training of the wait staff. They could not have been any "blurrer". Simple, straightforward instructions that seemed easy enough to understood were, in fact, not comprehended and/or implemented. Our crab turned out female despite our order of its male counterpart, and they added coriander to a dish when we could not have been more emphatic about not having any of that yucky herb in any of our dishes. And the wait staff moved like geriatrics on pension. Even the young-ish ones were noticeably sluggish.

Food-wise, the western stuff are really good and worth a return trip and the bumbling service. Seafood is really just so-so, and not quite worth the calories or average cze-char pricing. Don't let the wait staff "cajole" you into ordering the prawns or squid or crabs or seafood whatnots. Stick to the signature ribeye, standard cze char fare and carby dishes and you'll do just fine.

We started off well with the Braised Beancurd with Golden Mushrooms ($12 for small), smooth, clear-tasting beancurd in a silky oyster sauce and loaded with strips of enoki, sugar snap peas and carrots. I liked the play on textures here, from the soft beancurd to the chewy enoki and crunchy carrots.

The Prawn Paste Chicken ($10 for small) or har cheong kai as it's commonly known, was lipsmackingly delicious. Wonderfully fragrant, delectably crisp skin and juicy flesh and marinated to the core for a full-on flavour.

Ah, the piece de resistance, the Black Angus Ribeye Steak ($58 at $10 per 100g). Everyone here orders this, and for good reason. The carnivorous beef is thoroughly flavoursome and juicy to a fault. Robust and full-bodied, every bite-sized mouthful is a delight. The caramelised onion relish lends a smoky sweetness to the charred smokiness of the beef, while mustard and ketchup ride along as dips.

A plate of thick addictive Potato Wedges as additional accompaniment are on hand to soak up all that beefy juicy goodness. I actually used these to soak up that savoury oyster sauce gravy of the beancurd dish. Try it, the combination of east-and-west integrate really well!

The Beef Fried Rice served as part of the ribeye together with the wedges, is another reason to try the ribeye steak. This cholesterol bomb was totally aromatic and flavourful, every last grain of rice having been imbued with beef fat and jus. Your clogged arteries will actually thank you for this sinful pleasure.

The Salted Egg Crabs ($32 at $4 per 100g) was pretty forgettable. The crab was teeny tiny, and the salted egg yolk coating, while generous, was too one-dimensional. I would have liked a bit of spice to kick up the grainy salted egg yolk batter a notch.

New Ubin Seafood
Blk 27 #01-174
Sin Ming Industrial Estate Sector A
Tel: 6466 9558
Open weekdays from 11am to 2pm for lunch; 5.30pm to 10.30pm for dinner
weekends from 11.30am to 2.30pm for lunch; 5.30pm to 10.30pm for dinner


Aiwei Allan said…
The stuff you guys ordered look good! I've got to check it out...
Bern said…
get the beef! also recommended r the boss fried bee hoon and hokkien mee. it'll be a carb fest but according to my gf, those dishes are quite standout.
Anonymous said…
beef looks a bit strange - they must have used a super hot wok/plate to sear the outsides coz the insides look rather pink for the kind of "chautar"-ness of the surface. And coriander - what would the world be without coriander?? Hmph!!

Bern said…
loved the beef, and the world will be a better place without coriander. urgh phew!

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