Cheesy Tomato-Pesto Breakfast Sausage Casserole

그리고 이 캐서롤 레시피는 지난 주말에 남편의 도움으로 13 주년 기념일을 위해 만들었어요. 와우 우리 처음 키스 한 지 13 년이 지났는데 나는 아직도 남편과 함께하는 너무 행운을 생각해요.


It's also been a while since I last made a casserole; I've mostly engaged myself with stews and soups and salads (u know, the healthful-ish diet of the middle-aged), aside from the weekly satiating of The Husband's periodic cravings for the foods of his motherland.

But I was inspired by one of Buzzfeed's many recipe compilations under one of those clickbaity-ish titles à la "Top/Most Popular [insert some rounded to the tenth number here] + [insert whatever dish du jour here] For [insert current season or whichever celebration/festival/national holiday/cause at the moment here]", saw a bunch of really tantalizing casseroles, and thought hmm, wouldn't a casserole be perfect "cosy food" for the recent rainy cool-ish weather.

Chancing upon those casserole recipes was fortuitous, The Husband had missed eating shashouka... But because I wasn't feeling like having Middle Eastern-Turkish foods, I thought I'd go across the Mediterranean Sea over to Italy and make a casserole, Italian style, flavouring the stewed tomatoes base with a couple jars of pesto and tapenade I'd originally wanted to use for a pasta salad but the supermarket had been out of that ravioli I liked all through the Circuit Breaker 😒. 

So I scrounged around the fridge, realized I still had a one-quarter block of cheddar left-over from the risotto the other evening, a near-expiry half-tray of eggs that I'd all but forgotten, cans of peas and corn tucked away deep in the pantry. Also, I'd some frozen bratwurst bought like a year ago that I was saving as a treat during what some moronic twats thought was the coronavirus zombie apocalypse. There wasn't any lasagna or short pasta to add to the casserole, which was just as well, The Husband's pants don't quite fit anymore.

Ingredients (feeds 2-3):
2 cans diced tomatoes, about 800gm
1 can corn kernels, about 250gm
1 can petit pois (baby green peas), about 250gm drained weight
1 jar pesto, about 190gm
3 tbsp olive tapenade
1 large yellow onion, chopped finely
4 cloves garlic, minced
5 bratwurst links, casings removed and diced to 1" cubes
5 eggs
2.5 cups grated cheese (I used only cheddar but feel free to use a mozzarella-cheddar blend, you get a better golden hue)
1.5 tbsp olive oil
Optional: crusty bread (I'd used a couple loaves of mini baguettes from Beni that were perfect for picking up the casserole)

1) Fry onions on medium-high heat in pot pre-heated with olive oil, sweat till onions translucent, about 2 minutes.

2) Lower fire to medium and add garlic, until fragrant, about 1 minute.

3) Add tomatoes, bring heat up to high and stir, about 4 minutes.

4) Add corn. stir through.

5) Add peas, stir through.

6) Add pesto, mix through.

7) Add tapenade, mix through, lower fire to medium-high and leave to simmer through until tomato juice is almost steamed off.

8) In the meantime, cook sausages separately in a pan. On medium heat so the juice doesn't run out.

9) Once cooked, transfer sausages to the pot with the tomato-pesto vegetable medley.

10) Assembly time: layer the tomato-pesto vegetable sausage mix on the casserole. Carve out 5 pits and break the eggs into them.

11) Layer the grated cheese on top as liberally as you like.

12) Bake at 210C for about 9 minutes or until cheese is bubbling and slightly browned.

13) Serve with crusty bread. 

And dip away!


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