[Media Invite] Ethan's Gourmet (featuring Chef Peter Rollinson of Flutes Restaurant)

I was recently invited to the media launch of Ethan's Gourmet , a boutique grocer of fine foods and produce. Just think of it as an amalgamation of Meidi-Ya and Jones the Grocer, but waaaaaaaay cheaper and notably exclusively curated. I love this place already! Its spartan brick-and-mortar shop couldn't be any more ulu-fied, but the good news is that they're about to launch an online site (by 15 April, I hear) on which to buy its wares. Set up by a trio of enterprising retailers, who've close personal networks with Japanese suppliers, Ethan's Gourmet is thus able to pass on substantive savings to us as the end consumer. Here, Elaine and one of her partners are introducing Ethan's Gourmet to us food bloggers at the media launch. A personal nugget: she'd apparently named the store after her beloved son! Aww... Only kobe, kagoshima and tajima wagyu beef are sold here, and I note that the meats about 20% cheaper than at Meidi-Ya. Being one of the ve...