The White Rabbit

October 2012 is significant for 2 things. The Hari Raya Haji long weekend (mucho amor!) and re-connecting with old friends. In the short span of just a couple of weeks, I've somehow managed to reconnect with 2 old friends whom I've lost touch with over the years. I first got to know Addie at brownies, I thought she was just the prettiest girl ever and couldn't resist chatting her up. Yes yes, I was a superficial kid: I thought all pretty people were nice. And as they say, the rest is history. We lost contact, however, when she moved to live and work in France. I found out, over facebook, that she's recently moved back to Singapore and that's how we re-connected (and this is why facebook, with its ability to reconnect you with long lost friends, has the least choosiest customers ever). It's heart-warming how, despite the almost decade-long disconnect, we were able to pick up exactly where we left off. We yakked our heads off and were so oblivious to our surroun...