Kinki Japanese Restaurant + Bar

September's L.A. Lunch was held at Kinki , a Japanese restaurant that doubles up as a bar come nightfall. Its brilliant location on the second floor of Customs House ensures an expansive view of the Marina Bay waterfront. While the quality of the food was generally fair, the prices made this place a no-go for future visits, especially since the portions of the ala carte dishes were quite miniscule. My tip is to only order the set meals as they are a lot more value-for-money. Or else, take a business associate there if an expense account is applicable. Lunch was kicked off with a Sashimi Platter , consisting Maguro ($24 for 5 pcs), Kajiki ($20 for 5 pcs) and Sake ($18 for 5 pcs) which is essentially tuna, swordfish and salmon respectively. I liked the freshness and natural sweetness of the thickly sliced fish, but thought $62 for the entire platter was shockingly pricey. The Tofu Steak Set Lunch ($18) comprised a grilled or...