Ah Yat Seafood Restaurant, Beach Road

On weekdays, Ah Yat offers a unbeatable 50% discount off all live seafood, which makes their seafood one of the cheapest around. But, as the saying goes, "if it seems too good to be true, it probably is". The really cheap seafood at Ah Yat consequently really wasn't great. However, if one was feeling broke and had a craving for seafood, this is it. One would just have to lower their expectations when dining here.

We got the Salted Egg Yolk Crabs ($1.95 per 100g at 50% discount). While the salted egg yolk was plentiful and had the requisite grainy but slightly creamy texture, the 900g crab was tiny, skinny and not fresh. It had that terrible freshwater muddy taste that even the salted egg yolk gravy could not mask.

The Sauteed Hongkong Cabbage ($12 for small), while crunchy, was a little too salty and oily. We had to tamper its saltiness with plain white rice.

The Star Garoupa Steamed Hongkong Style ($4.95 per 100g at 50% discount) was probably the only seafood dish that was of some standard. The fish was fleshy, clean and flaked off just right. The accompanying soy sauce had just the right amount of oil and saltiness.

The BF got the Steamed Scallops with Minced Garlic ($4.40 per scallop at 50% discount), which would benefited from a shorter time in the steamer. It was rubbery and chewy, totally unpalatable.

Update 21 Jan 2011: Ah Yat has closed down and been replaced by Restaurant Oversea, a subsidiary of the famous Cantonese restaurant in Kuala Lumpur.

Ah Yat Seafood Restaurant
100 Beach Road
Shaw Leisure Gallery
Tel: 6299 3773
Open daily from 11.30am to 10.30pm
Website: www.ahyatseafood.sg/index.html


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