The Good Stuff Bakery
정말 놀라웠어요. 남편은 아직 공부도하지 않고 한국어 시험에 합격했어요. 인생은 정말 불공평해요. 😩😩😩
하지만 나에게서 멀리 떨어져 있어야해서 나에게서 복사 할 수 없었기 때문에 점수는 이전 테스트보다 나빴어요. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
There seems a proliferation of home-businesses, the majority of which popped up during the Circuit Breaker. Drawing from anecdotal evidence, many of these businesses (mainly foodstuffs) started out as care packages during the Circuit Breaker, to feed friends because that's how us Asians show love, and because their foods were so well-received, these home chefs and bakers were inspired (or encouraged as the case may be) to retail their wares online to the general public.
In addition, many of these home businesses were a way to stave off the inexorable boredom of confinement, or in some unfortunate cases, a crucial (and/or supplemental) source of income for those adversely affected by the covid-19 pandemic-caused recession.
Whatever the case, I am wholeheartedly in support of such endeavours #LoveYourLocalSG. In addition to supporting small local businesses, it's altogether an ingenious means to partake in home-cooked cuisine without having to grow a hide thick enough to invite oneself to one's friends' homes.