Braised Cabbage with Dried Shrimp & Pork

I love cabbage; there's always have a head of cabbage in my fridge for when the midnight munchies kick in. There's a million ways to treat it: u can grill to a nutty char, shred it up, raw in a salad, do a quick stir-fry to keep for a crunchy mouthfeel, or braise to a sweet soft finish.

This is one of my favourite ways to cook cabbage, and I've added a umami element by way of dried shrimp, rehydrated, pounded (in a mortar with a pestle) and toasted to release its fragrance.

Ingredients (feeds 4):
1 medium head cabbage, cut roughly
5 cloves garlic, minced
2 tbsp pounded rehydrated dried shrimp
300 gm pork loin, sliced thinly and marinated with recipe below
2 tbsp light soy
1/2 cup chicken stock
salt to taste
couple dashes of ground white pepper
1 tbsp canola oil
1 tbsp toasted sesame oil

Pork marinade (at least 3 hours):
2 tbsp light soy
1 tbsp oyster sauce
1 tsp lemon juice
1 tbsp sake
2 dashes ground white pepper

1) Pre-heat canola and sesame oil. Fry pounded dried shrimp and garlic on low heat until very fragrant, about 3 minutes. Add

2) Turn up heat to high and add cabbage, toss through until wilted, about 3 minutes.

3) Add stock and seasoning. Toss through, and leave covered to braise, about 5 minutes.

4) Add pork, toss and fry until pork cooked through.

5) Adjust seasoning, add salt and pepper according to taste, and serve.
