Ding Ji by Fei Siong, Bishan St 24

Ding Ji is a coffeeshop stall franchise owned by Fei Siong, serving fishball noodles and mushroom minced pork noodles. I quite like the Fei Siong brand; there used to be a Fei Siong economic noodle stall in the basement food hall of Bugis Junction that we frequented a fair bit. As a food empire, they can be reasonably relied on for decent fare, even if they aren't the best around.

So apparently there are three Ding Ji stalls in the Bishan heartland, and two alone just 3 blocks apart. We stumbled upon one, which happened to be the same coffeeshop where we had Penang-style lor mee. Clearly, this kopitiam has good fengshui.

The "Signature Noodles" ($4.50), a deluxe mee pok choc-a-bloc with minced pork, sliced pork, fish cake, scallop cake, a marinated almost-hard boiled egg, and an extra helping of braised mushrooms ($1). That punchy chilli-vinegar-soy emulsion slicked upon every al dente strand of noodles was pretty delicious.

A somewhat disappearing hawker food, the Mini Wok Noodles ($4.50), anchovy broth bubbling in a miniature hotpot flavoured with fishcake, minced pork, meatball, fishball, lettuce, and a just-cracked egg, which mellow taste was balanced by the lardy chilli-soy saucy flat rice noodles.

The stall facade for reference. Like all Fei Siong group stalls, their employees wear that distinctively bright orange t-shirts.

Ding Ji
Blk 280 Bishan St 24 #01-24
Tel: 6468 7377
Open 24/7


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