Braised Cabbage with Mushrooms & Pork

This is a dish that'll probably resonate with a lot of local kids. It's quick and easy, taking up less than half an hour to prep and cook. It's not the most wholesome dish, but I like to believe that the central ingredient of cabbage makes up for the canned stewed pork.

Ingredients (feeds 4):
1 whole beijing cabbage, cut into 2" squares
1 383gm can of stewed pork (it's that yellow coloured can widely available in NTUC)
1 can champignon mushrooms, sliced
5 cloves garlic, minced
1 tbsp canola oil
1/2 cup chicken stock
Light soy sauce for seasoning

1) Fry garlic in canola oil till fragrant, less than 1 minute on medium-high heat.

2) Add stewed pork, breaking it up into smaller pieces.

3) Add mushrooms and chicken stock.

4) Add cabbage and toss to wilt, then cover for 5 minutes to let cabbage braise. 

5) Season with soy as necessary for taste.


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