
Phew, that was a tough week! Work's been absolutely bonkers, and to top it off, we're moving house as well. The silver lining's the long weekend, so we had 3 days to move our mountain of stuff. It never really hits you how much crap you have until you move, does it? I always find myself spring cleaning whenever I move. Your life gets de-cluttered because you're suddenly brutal with the stuff you throw out. My wardrobe consequently gets an "overhaul" as well. Which is always a good thing for my friends because they benefit from the stuff I never wear. Like that top that I was supposed to lose weight for, or that OTT dress that I'll have an occasion for, or those shoes I was supposed to squeeze my ginormous feet into. This time round, one of my girlfriends was gifted with a pair of gorgeous gorgeous Guiseppe Zanotti sparkly strappy's. She has enviably small feet that I clearly don't. This was our first meal in the 'hood. I'd heard that ...