B @ Rochester

Kang had been wanting to try B @ Rochester for some time, so when the time came to deciding the dinner venue for our monthly meet-ups, we let him take the lead and followed him out west to Rochester Park. Rochester is no longer the crazy and overcrowded dining enclave that it used to be. The hoards have diminished and instead, descended on the Dempsey, and Duxton dining clusters. Where parking used to be a bitch, it's now relatively easy to find available lots. (A tip is to park at Rochester Mall, it's free in the evenings!) I much prefer it this way, less crowds, less congestion and a much more intimate dining experience. B @ Rochester , a 1-year young restaurant that serves up French-Japanese fusion cuisine, is celebrating its 1st anniversary with a specially crafted 6-course Set Dinner at $88 per person. In all, the meal was good, and in fact, more than decent, but there was just something lacking. Comparing ...