Cheesy Tomato-Pesto Breakfast Sausage Casserole

그리고 이 캐서롤 레시피는 지난 주말에 남편의 도움으로 13 주년 기념일을 위해 만들었어요. 와우 우리 처음 키스 한 지 13 년이 지났는데 나는 아직도 남편과 함께하는 너무 행운을 생각해요. ============================ It's also been a while since I last made a casserole; I've mostly engaged myself with stews and soups and salads (u know, the healthful- ish diet of the middle-aged), aside from the weekly satiating of The Husband's periodic cravings for the foods of his motherland. But I was inspired by one of Buzzfeed's many recipe compilations under one of those clickbaity-ish titles à la "Top/Most Popular [insert some rounded to the tenth number here] + [insert whatever dish du jour here] For [insert current season or whichever celebration/festival/national holiday/cause at the moment here]", saw a bunch of really tantalizing casseroles, and thought hmm, wouldn't a casserole be perfect "cosy food" for the recent rainy cool- ish weather. Chancing upon those casserole recipes was fortuitous, The Husband had missed ea...