
Showing posts from 2021

Vietnamese-style Lemongrass Beef Stew

Ça fait 4 mois depuis ma deuxième dose de vaccin et je pense, je suis enfin complètement rétabli ouah!! Le traitement de la vitamine C est vraiment efficace. J'ai eu une amie qui a également eu de terribles vertiges après sa deuxième dose mais grâce aux recherches de mon cher bou, elle a aussi suivi le traitement de la vitamine C et s'est rétablie en une semaine. Incroyable, non? Je suis très reconnaissant de retrouver la normalité dans ma vie et de pouvoir faire toutes mes choses préférées comme cuisiner et m'entraîner, même conduire! Mon sommeil est maintenant plus profond aussi, car le vertige beaucoup perturbait mal mon sommeil (j'étais coincé dans une position et je ne pouvais pas bouger en dormant). Mon Bou dit que mon sourire est revenu aussi et ouais bien sûr mon humeur s'est beaucoup améliorée car je vais enfin bien. Et maintenant que nous sommes tous les deux complètement vaccinés, je me sens aussi plus en sécurité...surtout avec la variante delta très pui...

Clos Pasoh

비타민C 치료가 효과적인 것 같아요! 2차 백신을 맞았을 때 부작용이 적었어요. 나는 아직도 가끔 현기증이 났는데 비타민C 치료 전보다 덜 심해요. 이제 운동을 할 수 있고 조금 더 정상적인 일상과 생활으로 돌아갈 수 있 어요. 그래서 기분이 많이 좋아졌고 더 이상 우울하지 않아 요. 안전을 위해 일주일만 더 비타민C 치료하겠 어요. 화이팅!   ====================   Notwithstanding my longstanding policy of not visiting new restaurants until they've passed their first birthday, I made an exception for Clos Pasoh . My birthday twin Syl and I had spent our birthdays in confinement last year and this year we really wanted to dress up, go out, and live it up, have a ball. But what with the constantly evolving lockdown rules, and with what they say about beggars being choosers, Clos Pasoh was a providential opening in a sea of restaurant full-houses across the board.   Being the first week of its official launch date, the restaurant was a bustling hub choc-a-bloc with beautiful people and the who's who of movers and shakers. I was surprised at how first-rate the service was. Most restaurants typically need time to iron out ...

Pura Brasa

Je pense que le traitement de la vitamine C est efficace! J'ai eu ma deuxième dose de vaccin et les effets secondaires ont été beaucoup moins graves. J'ai encore des vertiges de temps en temps mais c'est beaucoup moins en degré et en occasion. J'ai repris l'exercice, et et je suis très heureux de retrouver un peu de normalité et surtout dans ma qualité de vie. J'en avais vraiment besoin, je devenais déprimé et frustré que ma qualité de vie a affectée par le vertige.    Bien que je ne sois pas encore rétabli, j'y arriverai!   ============================   I struggled when writing about this. In recent times, I've tried to be kind(er) to the eateries I review. F&B is already a notoriously unforgiving industry, and with the relentless pandemy onslaught, I try as best I can to extend a little more compassion to the restaurants currently battling the dining restrictions. And so I've either refrained from blogging about places that just aren't...


너무 미쳤어 한달 반이 지났는데 아직도 부작용이 있어요 😭. 나는 충분했다 내 생활고 건강이 나빠졌고 침대에서 모든 휴가를 낭비 되었어. 연차 휴가 동안 하고 싶은 일이 많았는데 부작용 때문에 아무것도 하지 않았어.  다행히도 많은 인터넷 연구를 한 남편 덕분에, 내여보, 많은 사람들이 같은 부작용을 있는 것을 발견했어요. 나는 안심이되었어. 내 현기증이 심각한 것 같아서 걱정이 됐어. 어머니는 내 나이 때 암종으로 돌아가셨어.  그래서 인터넷에 따르면 나는 비타민 C를 많이 먹어야 해. 부작용은 비타민 C를 많이 먹으면 일주일 후에 좋 절 거예요. 나는 지금 치료를 하고 있고 부작용이 잘 됐으면 좋겠어. 화이팅!   ================   Mask-wearing may be a slight hindrance (or to some, a torture device imposing on civil liberties tantamount to a war crime) but I love how mask-wearing has granted me a sense of anonymity. Not that I'm ever in danger of getting mobbed, but it's refreshing to go out in public without having to acknowledge any acquaintances on the street (I don't know about you, but I reallyyy detest small talk 😖). And, this may be entirely psychological, as I've also noticed that mask-wearing has seemed to make people less inclined to approach one another (although the introvert in me loves that hah). But, the biggest up...