Mykonos on the Bay

Helloooooo!!!! Wow that was an extremely extended silence huh?? Quick update, everyone's fine, in good health, happy... It's simply that life got busy (I've gone back to school, part-time, that is!) and between the classes and homework and tests (omggg, so many tests 😓😱😭...I question my decision to return to the student life Every.Single.Time. the exams roll around), and tv and the gym, and spending time with The Hubs (of course!!), my life was très occupé. Soooo, blogging took a backseat (bigtime!) and to be honest, I wasn't particularly inspired to write. And while I'm back, it's with the caveat that my blogging will likely be sporadic. ------ Okay, update's over!! ------ I'm not sure if you'd noticed, but I'm not a fan of Greek food. To be fair, I don't know much about and neither have I sampled much of Greek cuisine. I think, it's largely coz we've a dearth of Greek restaurants here in SG: Greek cuisine isn't quite as u...